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lamentations from a runaway mind
I've figured that I already lost my sanity a long time ago. |
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This blog was opened by gene to accomodate his mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! tagboardShoutMix chat widget
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i did promise a hiatus. but the list still will be posted. it's...the thing that keeps this thing alive. number of underwear used this week: 10...i think. number of fantasies: (undisclosed) number of brothers not sick: 1(yay) number of american idol contestants eliminated this week: 2(lil and anoop<-whoots. anoop sucks) number of fat-inducing chocolate donuts: 0. (dad's overseas = no supper = the ultimate chance to lose weight) number of times thought about getting a haircut: 7 number of haircuts this week: 0 personal discipline rating: 4/10 number of iPods dead: 1(cry with me.) number of hole-y PE T-shirts: 3 do i really care: not really amount of bullshit this week: (6.02 x 10^23)(5) [that's five friggin moles of bullshit] amount of physics work done on thursday (3hourstime): 2 past year papers and 1 assignment.(yes. bow down. i know i'm pro) number of cool upcoming events: 4 i think.. number of ideas for the impasto design comm: 4 million divide by one million. number of times i thought about her: 500000000000000000000000000000000000 number of friends who know about my secret one-way affair: 5 when i'm planning to tell her: i KNEW you're gonna highlight this. shoo. undisclosed! >3 number of post it notes used: 5 amount of money saved: -$4 number of ants I killed this week: 7 number of eyes on me in the centre of the ring just like a circus: all. (LOL. it's a joke. go listen to britney spears' Circus. yes. bimbo music is the new metal) number of boys and girls seeking amy: all. (LOL. another joke. listen to britney spears' If You Seek Amy. bimbo music is the new pop too.) hit me baby how many more times: one. (i don't even want to say it anymore) you want: a piece of me. (sheesh. this is getting stupid.heh) so ends today's list. and remember: bimbo music is good for you. life goes on.
hey guys. as you all know, mid years are coming up. yes, the horror. when in rome, do as the romans do, during the exam period, do as the PRCs do. yes. i have turned into a hardcore mugging machine. and though i have many gifts, unfortunately the gift of time management has seemed to elude me. thus, i will not be coming online on messenger, and i will take a hiatus from posting. for fear my academic progress shall be slightly retarded by my procrastination and whatnot. so i will not be blogging for the next two weeks. (make that 3, including the exams) but don't worry. i'm sure this almost-a-month long hiatus shall hopefully give me new inspiration for posting. but first! an update about today! everyone panicked yesterday coz a very special teacher had given us almost impossible assignments to do. and it was due today. then 3Impasto, frustrated, panicking and on the verge of 36 nervous breakdowns, suddenly heard that special teacher say she hasn't taught it yet, and the assignment deadline is pushed back. i suddenly sensed an almost immediate wave of murderous intent in the class. i'll bet 3Impasto was voo-doo dolling her secretly impaling her with pins as they soaked up every sweet moment of it. or not. ah well. let's just say physics has added flavour to 3Impasto's once boring study life. oh, and the Impasto Design Committee will be up soon, so people interested please tell me. we'll be in charge of everything aesthetic from classroom design (betcha never thought about that) to the class tee (actually, we were thinking of making something besides a tee. ah well. another idea.) yeah. i thought this week was the self-study week. and came to school a happy boy. until reality hit. "the self study is next week lah, noobcake." then i suddenly felt like eating a strawberry flavoured paper towel with raisins on it. yeah. this came after the sudden urge to hit something with a tennis racket. i have issues. so that's pretty much it, guys. the last post till the end of the exams. until then, life goes on. heylos. have just put up a new blogsong! heh. people. i know what you're thinking. "Oh f*ck. this sodding song is disrupting my reading of this highly interesting yet entirely retarded blog." yeah, i hate blogsongs too. but two reasons i put the song up. one: it sounds decent enough to enter your eardrums. two: it's my blog. nanny nanny poo poo. yep. but seriously. if you all find the song irritating/retarded/stupid/idiotic/disruptive/(anything else used to describe me)-ish, then tell me. hopefully if most people hate the blogsong, i'll take it down. either that, or i torture your eardrums. ah well. oh, and i'd like to thank those people who say "maybe you should take the song down" in advance. yeah. thanks for all the brain cells you kill for me when i argue with myself whether or not to keep the blogsong up. anyway. every week i'll try to come up with a list of stuff i have/did/am doing/done/have been doing. yep. here's this week's list: number of f*cking large zits: 1 number of post-its used: 34 number of stained T-shirts: 3 number of brothers sick: 1 number of teachers i hope to kill: 1 hours of sleep this week: 40 number of guilt-inducing chocolate donuts ate this week: 3 number of times i thought about her: 5000 number of fantasies this week: (undisclosed) number of doodles drawn this week: a dismal 4 number of innocent rabbits killed: 0 (whha? rabbits?!) amount of money splurged: (refuses to remind self) amount of weight lost/gained: -1kg number of corny jokes thought up: 6 number of men needed to screw a lightbulb: one. men will screw anything. number of bureaucrats needed to screw a lightbulb: two. one to screw it in, the other to screw it up. number of corny jokes thougt up: 8 (updated) heh. life goes on.
eating fast food all day. watching movies twice a week. craving the latest video game. despising my pathetic wardrobe. i listen to my ipod more than my parents. i communicate with friends often without looking at their faces. reading comics more than textbooks. complaining about the food. and guess what. you're stuck with it too. hm? stuck with what? i'm just going to the mall. affluenza. God save us all.
ah well. seating plan has been changed. she's impossibly out of reach, i'm sodding dismal, and my burger is still half its size than on the ad. had jap class today. was really fun. sensei walked with us, treated us to bubble tea, and i think famous amos cookies are cool. dad just came back from work. got me and bro some famous amos chewies. ooh. munchmunch. hm? what? what fat? oh crap. and dad's snacking again. waffles, this time. oh bother. haha. me: dad! dad: MMMMPHRGH? me: it's got butter smeared all over it. dad: i'm hungry lahh. *tries to hide the waffle* me: haha. okay. but just this once. thanks for the cookies. dad (half guzzle mode): MMMMPHHHHORRRGHHHEEYY. DON'T MMMPHHRSHION PPHHT. (translation: okay, don't mention it.) *smiles. teeth smeared with waffle* ooh. and i found a really good song. lily allen. really good lyrics. apparently, she's the only one who gets the whole "fame" thing. i wanna be rich an i want lots of money, i don't care about clever, i don't care about funny. i want lots of clothes and fuck loads of diamonds i heard people die when they're trying to find them. And i'll take my clothes off, and i won't be shameless, coz everyone knows that's how you get famous. i look at the sun, and i look in the mirror, i'm on the right track, yeah i'm onto a winner. i don't know what's right and what's real anymore, i don't know how i'm meant to feel anymore. when you think it would all become clear, coz i've been taken over by the fear. life's about film stars and less about mothers. it's all about fast cars, and crossing each other. but it doesn't matter coz i'm packing plastic, and that's what makes my life so fucking fantastic. and i am a weapon of massive consumption, it's not my fault, it's how i'm programmed to function. i look at the sun, and i look in the mirror, i'm on the right track, yeah i'm onto a winner. forget about guns, and forget ammunition. coz i'm killing them all, on my own little mission. i'm not a saint, but i'm not a sinner, but everything's cool, as long as i'm getting thinner. hell yeah. lily allen pwns. check out her other songs. it's all pretty much as satirical as this. cool. people ate it when others like allen slam reality like that. coz it makes them insecure. it shatters their orb of self peace and phony reassurance they get from the media. think about it. life goes on. hey friends! (bleurgh. friends?! i sound so politically correct) anyway, i've just had a chocolate donut, so i'm practically surging with endorphins. just imaagine. me. my endorphins. and my off-the-chart testosterone. perfect. yeah, well, basically, i'm feeling really happy today. so this post is going to be really really high. :O heh. anyway, on the chocolate donut. why would i be eating a chocolate donut at 9.43pm? lemme give you some background info. dad likes to snack. at night. yes. (don't all dads?) anyway, my dad's not supposed to be eating so much, coz mum said he was getting chubby. yep. so how? i become the culinary patrol! after i do finish like, half my homework questions, i will go out to the dining area under the pretense that i'm thirsty. and what do i see? me: DAD! you're not supposed to be eating that!! dad (caught in half guzzle, half swallow mode): MMMMPHHHHHRRGH?! so i sieze the food. then dad will try to take it back. dad (half chewed food in mouth): MMMPH, haven't finish yet, cannot waste food! me (spattered with half of what was in his mouth): cannot eat already lah! *eats whatever food he was eating* okay. none wasted. dad then goes to the couch to catch some good old HBO. while i get stuck with the guilt of that chocolate donut. I went to the gym today. one hour of physical training. gone. thanks to that chocolate donut. this happens almost every night. except, the food will change every night. tonight, lucky it was a chocolate donut, not some strange stuff that only dad is willing to eat. sigh. it's okay. chubby me better than a chubby dad. hell, i love my family. haha. oh, and the seating plan for the class changed today. yeah. life slapped me in the fuggin face today. but no emo posts today! i'm just really happy. failed joke of the day: why's the shortest girl in class always scratching herself? coz she's ITCHING! (yeeching. get it?!) epic fail. scary henchmen hold out cue cards. "LAUGH". am neglecting GPP to post this. guilt is so eating on me. not. if i were year 1, i would have been rushing the GPP out. too bad i'm year 3. i murdered guilt. hah. hell. life goes on.
everytime i see her, there's this burning desire to confess, to end all this idiocracy of pretending she's another girl that crosses my way. sigh. it's not time yet. not yet. ah well. CCA today was fun fun fun. sprained a finger while blocking. ow. ring finger somemore. lucky not middle finger. at least if i can't get married coz of this sprained fourth finger, i can always point the middle one and tell life to go f*ck itself. damn. got art tomorrow. i mean, it's fun and all. i would do it. if not for the damn pile of homework just waiting for me to touch it. yeah sure, aesthetics is damn fun. yeah sure it's cool. yeah sure i love it. but by getting an A for art or doing a sell-able song for music won't effing reduce the pile of homework compost. it's like, staring at me. the frickin pile is staring at me. i can feel it. mocking me. no i'm not crazy. i just escaped from the asylum. so i'm not crazy. bah. classes have been cool. yeah. oh, and i'm the only left hander in class. hoho. mr creative. oh yeah, tingzhen did like, damn retarded stuffs in the chem lab lol. during titration, after washing all the stuff, after all the careful measuring, he titrated without adding methyl orange pigment to his chemical. hahaha. laughed my ass off. XD in the end have to redo the whole titration thing. and guess what. he forgot to add pigment twice. haha. nice job man. and vicki had like, "RETEST" on her paper. big, red words. then she kept complaining about how she needed to stay back and redo the test. then after half a day, i got tired of it and told her 'retest' actually meant she took the separate test paper from the class coz she was absent. hahahahah. alot of incidents today. actually everyday. i remember after CCA today, we walk out until the bus stop then peng realise his shoebag still in school. then while he was chionging back the team stood in two rows, then started greeting people that walked past. HEH. jerian didn't play today coz he felt damn bloated. eat two sets of $5 chicken rice, go back home still eat somemore. in the end, bloat like siao. joke sia. 37 days to hamamatsu! and i want to go to LASALLE. sigh. but i know my parents will put me in a crate and send me to an african orphanage where i will get adopted by some famous celebrity. (oops) really really want to study fine arts. ugghhh. let's see what God has in store for me. :/ am going to pick up archery and fencing whoots. can't wait can't wait. life can't wait. heh. ![]()
hey there guys. have just finished physics (whew). hoho. oh and, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CYRUS!~ PSPS: cyrus got a really really bad mango today. you're like, one year older! thanks for adding humour in the class? haha. and thanks alot for help with PESA. would've suicided without your help. today had some dance SYF preview. but i didn't go coz of math remedial. anti-climax much? kudos to the dance instructor. choreograph until so damn zai! all the dances so nice. oh. and band got silver. know how a silver tastes like when you've been winning gold with honours consecutively? it tastes like dog shit smeared on cat shit, and then that thing got eaten by a chicken, then shitted out again..the band people really worked hard for it. maybe like, the judges put a wrong score or something. maybe they put and infinity sign but the stupid score-recorder people thought it wasn't possible and put an 8. gah. tomorrow got english lit test. F*ck. and the best thing is, you can't prepare for the damn thing. it's on Merlion poetry. Speaking of which, the Merlion is, well, really controversial. oh, and in case you don't know. i have a crush on someone. *gasps* yeah. sorry, all you gay guys out there. and that someone just asked me who i liked on msn. lolol. and she's a close friend. :"] CCA tomorrow too. really cool. am now playing centre. have been super on form recently. hope this goes on. haha. yay. ohoh, and hamamatsu. the exchange programme is 47 days away! and i'm the only one from RV going. kudos to the interview. lucky i got in. hahaha. OH YEAH. for all the track people, like kelly, darren and the like, JIAYOU FOR THE NATIONALS. track people are like, frigging pro?! they have like, the stamina of a horse on steroids. seriously. then like, they look like the person who killed their mother is waiting at the finish line. i mean, have you seen their faces during the last stretch?! it's like "GET THE F*CKING HELL OUTTA MY WAY B*TCHES!!" lol. facial cramps? why don't the track people stretch their faces anyway? gah. another question to add to the long list of unanswered randomness. well then. toodles. (whoa. that sounded sooo gay.)
![]() i am free. watching my life flash past me as i smile, i am lying on a meadow, looking on a cerulean sky speckled with cirrus, i wonder if today will ever end. The sun shines down on my face, and i squint back. the wind ruffles my hair, and i smell the clear sweet grass. life's a big joke. Why not smile along?