So she said, "What's the problem baby?"
What's the problem I don't know
Well maybe
I'm in love,
think about it every timeI think about it,
can't stop thinking 'bout it
-Accidentally in Love, Counting Crows

today is the best day of my life.

life goes on.

i've been thinking.

maybe my life isn't that bad after all.
maybe i should stop hanging my head in disappointment and rejection.
but instead

look up to the skies.

and you know what?

it's not that bad.

say, you are asleep.

and you're having the dream of your life, the best dream you have ever had. there's no pain. there's no sorrow. only ecstatic joy.

the real world no longer matters, there is no worry. nothing keeping you from the pure joy you experience. that means complete freedom. and yet you know it's a dream. you know you're in your bed, but you feel such joy, nothing matters anymore.

would you wake up?